22 December 2020

10 Ways To Reduce Condensation

10 Ways To Reduce Condensation

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How to reduce window condensation

22nd December 2020

Condensation is a naturally occurring process that can be damaging, irritating but avoidable in some cases. Prolonged condensation in a concentrated area can cause damp and mould if not handled quickly and properly.

Condensation in a nutshell is the appearance of water when moist, warm air meets cool air or a surface which is at a lower temperature. It is mostly noticeable when it forms on a non-absorbent surface such as on windows, tiles, and cars but can form on any surface, and sometimes may not be visible until mould grows or rotting of the material occurs. The damage that can emerge following condensation includes rotting wood and damaged plaster if left alone and untreated.

How To Reduce Condensation

Types of condensation

Interior CondensationInterior condensation is caused by excessive moisture inside your home. This is a common form of condensation due to the discrepancies in temperature between inside and outside, with inside being warmer more-often-than-not. You will see this form of condensation in winter as outside your home will be a lot colder.Interior CondensationCondensation forming on the exterior of your home is unavoidable and will evaporate over time, as it does on your car or lawn once heated by the sun. The condensation will appear when the window is colder than the dew point.Condensation between panesThis form of condensation occurs when the seal between the windowpanes is broken, or when the desiccant inside the window is saturated. 

10 Ways to help reduce condensation

Windows with Condensation Carmarthen 1. Eliminate moisture inside your homeThis can be done by purchasing a de-humidifier which will remove excess moisture from the air. They can be hung in a closet to protect clothes from moisture damage or in buckets set on the floor of your bathrooms or kitchens.2. Bathroom and kitchen fansTurning on bathroom and kitchen fans whilst showering or cooking will help to reduce condensation. Both cooking and showering releases hot, moist air into your home which cannot escape easily.3. Circulate the airAir circulation can reduce condensation as the moist air cannot linger on surfaces in order to do the damage previously mentioned. Use a ceiling fan if you have one, even in winter, as this will push the warm air off the ceiling downwards to the floor.4. Open your windowsTemperature and weather permitting, opening your windows will release some of the trapped air inside your home that is responsible for condensation forming.5. Raise the window temperatureReducing the temperature discrepancies between the air and the window surface will reduce condensation. As mentioned earlier, the condensation forms when the warm air hits a cold surface, you can slow this down using blinds, curtains, or drapes.6. Move houseplants away from windowsMoisture is released into the air by plants, therefore there is increased chance of condensation around houseplants.7. Buy a dehumidifierThis solution is the most obvious quick fix; however, these appliances can be expensive. There are mini versions which will be more cost-effective though they will not reduce as much moisture as the large versions. There are some higher end dehumidifiers that will turn on automatically when the humidity reaches a certain level.

Solutions for between pane condensation

8. Clean your windowsThis is the first solution to check whether the decreased visibility is actually dirt or grease (kitchen window). If visibility is still an issue it may be down to condensation between panes.9. Replace the window panesIf condensation is present between panes, you will have to replace the glass units. At Nolan’s we manufacture our own glass units at our Carmarthen factory. Do not hesitate to get in touch if this is the solution you require.10. Replace the windowThis is another solution that Nolan would love to help with. Replacing your windows may be needed if your windows are a little on the older side, or if it is not possible to change solely the glass units. You can get a free online quotation on our website

Replacement Window Prices

We would be happy to be of service if you are looking to replace your windows. Choose from a wide variety of styles, colours and glazing options in both uPVC and aluminium.Get a FREE no obligation by clicking ‘Start a Quote’. Just enter your details for a rough estimate all from the comfort of your own home.Alternatively, you can book an appointment or request a brochure by contacting us.
Jason James

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