2 September 2019

Staff Q&A’s – Chelsea Duxberry

Staff Q&A’s – Chelsea Duxberry

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As we are celebrating our 30th anniversary this year, we are taking the opportunity to interview our long-serving staff to get their insights about Nolan uPVC and the journey the company has been on since 1989.

The next instalment in the series includes one of the youngest members of the team, Chelsea, who has been at Nolan for almost ten years.

Nolan uPVC Carmarthenshire

When did you first start working at Nolan’s?


How old were you when you joined the company?

17 years old

What was your first job at Nolan’s?

Admin Assistant

What is your current position at Nolan’s?

My current position is office manager. The timeline of positions that I have held is; admin assistant, survey coordinator, data entry, installation coordinator and installation & service supervisor.

What major changes have you seen within a) the business b) industry during your time at Nolan’s?

The business has grown and developed massively over the years. The amount of staff has changed, the type of work we manufacture has changed along with the processes.The major changes I have seen in the industry are to do with foilex. Everyone including new builds and housing associations are going for different colour products as the foilex range has expanded. Also the amount of new builds has increased in comparison to back when I started.

Tell me about a funny story or memory during your time at Nolan’s?

I can recall two occasions I took annual leave and came back to surprises waiting for me.Family Run Double Glazing CarmarthenFamily Run Double Glazing Carmarthenshire

What has changed in your life during your time at Nolan’s?

My life has changed in so many different ways since I have been here. The people in the company have supported me through many different things from losing my step dad, passing my driving test, celebrating my 21st birthday to buying my first home.

What is your landmark memory of 1989? What is your first thought when you think back to 1989?

I do not have a landmark memory as I wasn’t born in 1989!

What symbolizes 1989 / What did 1989 mean to you?

Though I wasn’t born in 1989, the wacky fashion and hairstyles is what would symbolize the time for me.
Jason James

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