17 July 2019

Staff Q&A’s – Debbie Jones

Staff Q&A’s – Debbie Jones

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As we are celebrating our 30th anniversary this year, we are taking the opportunity to interview our long-serving staff to get their insights about Nolan uPVC and the journey the company has been on since 1989.

Next in line to be interviewed is Service Coordinator, Debbie Jones.

When did you first start working at Nolan’s?

15th July 2002

How old were you when you joined the company?

I was 36 years old when I joined Nolan’s.

What was your first job at Nolan’s?

Service Coordinator

What is your current position at Nolan’s?

I am currently Service Coordinator again, after holding posts as Glass Manager and Office Manager.

What major changes have you seen within the a) business b) industry during your time at Nolan’s?

I have seen major changes in terms of the growth of the business, which can been seen by the number of new product lines that have been taken on over the years. Also the increase in new machinery and members of staff shows the upscaling.In the industry there has been a number of changes since I have been involved, for example the emergence of aluminium and a vast range of colours available. There has been an increase in the number of industry recognised accreditations such as Secured By Design.

Tell me about a funny story or memory during your time at Nolan’s?

Over the years there has been many people that have come and gone throughout the business which means there are many stories to tell, although it’s hard to pick one that can be put in print! One that comes to mind is from a few years ago when Adrian put the kettle on in the morning and left the lid off a little, the resulting steam set the fire alarms off and the fire brigade were called. There have been a few false alarm situations with the fire brigade.

What has changed in your life during your time at Nolan’s?

During my time at Nolan’s I have become a grandmother five times and my kids have got married themselves.

What is your landmark memory of 1989? What is your first thought when you think back to 1989?

My landmark memory of 1989 would be the birth of my daughter.

What symbolizes 1989 / What did 1989 mean to you?

The stereotypical extravagant fashion like the big, perm hairstyles and leg warmers are the first thing that comes to mind when imagining 1989 again.
Jason James

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