19 June 2019

Staff Q&A’s – Jason James

Staff Q&A’s – Jason James

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As we are celebrating our 30th anniversary this year, we are taking the opportunity to interview our long-serving staff to get their insights about Nolan uPVC and the journey the company has been on since 1989.To kick off these Q&A’s we have interviewed our General Manager, Jason James.Experienced Double Glazing Installers Jason James (third from right) and some of the previous Nolan staff.

When did you first start working at Nolan’s?

I started working at Nolan’s as an 18 year old in its first year of establishment in 1989.

What was your first job at Nolan’s?

Gasketing Windows (Factory)My first position at Nolan was within the factory environment adding gaskets to the windows, which was done by hand back then.

What is your current position at Nolan’s?

I have held many positions over the years, from the factory to now being General Manager.

What major changes have you seen within the a) business b) industry during your time at Nolan’s?

The major changes that the business has seen over the 30 year span are not just in terms of the business’ size and success, but we have seen changes in the technology used and the processes involved logistically.For example, there has been the addition of automated machinery to carry out tasks that were done by hand in 1989. From a communication sense, there is now a heavy reliance on computers and mobile phones, not only in lead generation and data storage, but also in the drawing of plans.Within the industry itself, though, things have stayed relatively similar. There has been a re-emergence of aluminum in the retail space, as for years uPVC was preferred. There has been trend changes of the foilex colouring of the windows, you can now get every colour available.

Tell me about a funny story or memory during your time at Nolan’s?

One funny story I can recall was around Nolan’s 40th birthday. Our factory was in Fair Lane, Carmarthen at the time. We all prepared a celebration for Nolan’s birthday at the factory and filled it with balloons. This was on a Friday afternoon. On Saturday morning, I was woken by a phone call to say that there had been a disturbance at the Nolan premises. The police were going to meet me there as the intruder alarm had been alerted. To cut a long story short; after looking at the CCTV, the balloons had set the alarm off!

What has changed in your life during your time at Nolan’s?

Over the 30 year period, outside of work the major changes to my life would be that I have got married and had children.

What is your landmark memory of 1989? What is your first thought when you think back to 1989?

One memory that springs to mind as a landmark of 1989 is the car that I was driving. I had a brand new MG Metro in a racing green colour. That car sticks in my memory from that time.We will continue to interview our long-serving staff throughout the year so stay tuned for the next instalment.
Jason James

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