26 June 2019

Staff Q&A’s – Nolan Nicholas

Staff Q&A’s – Nolan Nicholas

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As we are celebrating our 30th anniversary this year, we are taking the opportunity to interview our long-serving staff to get their insights about Nolan uPVC and the journey the company has been on since 1989.The next instalment in the series will focus on the company founder and Managing Director, Nolan Nicholas.

When did you first start working at Nolan’s?

I set the business up in 1989. Before this I was working for a double glazing company and saw what that company was doing right and what they were doing wrong. I then thought I could do things better and make a difference to the industry.

How old were you when you joined the company?

I was 27 years old when I started the company.

What was your first job at Nolan’s?

Managing Director

What major changes have you seen within the a) business b) industry during your time at Nolan’s?

Within the business, there has been a huge increase in the amount of automation and use of machinery involved in the process of manufacturing double glazing products which goes hand in hand with the decline of skilled labour.One of the major changes has been how legitimate the industry has become in contrast to how it was viewed back then. Another change was that the 2008 crash hurt the industry and I’d say we are probably somewhere between 50-75% back to where we were at the start of 2008.

Tell me about a funny story or memory during your time at Nolan’s?

I can remember a time when I interviewed a guy for an admin job, and he told me he was laid off from his previous role because he got caught karate kicking a vending machine, which was incredibly strange. He then went on to demonstrate how he did it, getting out of his chair and jumping in the air kicking. To say I was gob smacked is an understatement.

What has changed in your life during your time at Nolan’s?

As the business gained success, I have gained a lot of vital life and business knowledge over the last 30 years going from working within the industry to owning a double glazing business myself.

What is your landmark memory of 1989? What is your first thought when you think back to 1989?

Thinking back, a big memory was buying my first van. It was a Vauxhall Astra and the first Nolan branded vehicle.Nolan 1990

What symbolizes 1989 / What did 1989 mean to you?

In 1989, my life was a lot more carefree. We had just 3 employees by the end of ’89, and everyone was mucking in and getting involved. Fast forward to today and with the increased scale of the business it’s a lot less carefree.
Jason James

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